Aspire Greater Cleveland

High school equivalency diploma classes, ESOL & more

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Our Mission

Aspire Greater Cleveland is committed to creating an environment for adult learners to develop quality educational and life skills, as well as the confidence to reach for and achieve their personal goals.

Headquartered at Cuyahoga County Public Library’s Maple Heights Branch, we provide FREE comprehensive adult education services in Cleveland and throughout Cuyahoga County in collaboration with Cleveland Public Library, Cuyahoga County government and Cuyahoga County Public Library, with support from the Ohio Department of Education’s Aspire program and United Way.

Our instructors teach morning, afternoon, evening and weekend classes at locations throughout Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. Online classes are also available.

Ged diploma

Are you interested in becoming an Aspire student?

Complete our online registration form or give us a call at 833.ASPIRE2 (833.277.4732)

Register Online

Aspire Greater Cleveland • 5225 Library Lane, Maple Heights, OH 44137-1242
833.ASPIRE2 (833.277.4732)

Our Services

Pearson Vue Testing

Aspire Greater Cleveland offers Pearson Vue testing services at Cuyahoga County Public Library’s Brooklyn and Maple Heights branches. Please visit to schedule a testing appointment.

About Pearson Vue

Each year millions of people around the world take an exam with Pearson VUE. More than 450 credential owners across the globe choose Pearson VUE to help develop, manage, deliver and grow their testing programs. From online practice tests to high-stakes, proctored exams that require the industry’s most secure testing environments, Pearson VUE is the leader in computer-based testing — and much more.

For the most up-to-date schedule, visit

Workplace Education

Aspire Greater Cleveland’s Workplace Education Program offers customized, job-specific skills instruction. Our team works closely with employers to identify the specific education needs of their employees and to provide instruction to meet those needs efficiently.

We offer customized instruction to meet your employees' needs

  • Increase workplace basic education skills (reading, writing, math and problem solving)
  • Prepare for certification testing
  • Increase employability skills
  • Learn English as a second language
  • Earn a High School Equivalence/GED® test credential
  • Prepare to enter post-secondary education

For more information about our workplace education program, please contact:

Jami Harris
Adult Education Services Director

Program Partner