Information Literacy

Lessons for educators and students

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What is information literacy?

Information literacy is a set of skills that allow individuals to effectively find, evaluate, organize, use and communicate accurate information in all its various formats.

Our information literacy lessons for middle school and high school students can be led by an educator, or even the students themselves. Each lesson includes a lesson plan, presentation and print materials. Quizzes, videos and activities may also be included.

Pro tips

For educators

Go to the “For Educators” section in each lesson to find all the materials you need, including lesson plans, presentation slides and print materials.

We're available to help. To find out more, contact your local CCPL branch and ask for the teen librarian.


For students

Continue past the “For Educators” section to the "Student Introduction" section of the lesson to work on each topic at your own pace!



Advancing Your Research

Advancing Your Research

Discover free, high-quality resources that can take your research to the next level.

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Alternative Technologies

Alternative Technologies

Test your ability to find credible resources based on fragmentary information. For example, "googly-eyed octopus" is an informal name for an animal. With that information alone can you find its scientific name?

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Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators

Take a deep dive into Boolean operators and learn how to use them to find exactly what you're looking for.

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What Makes a Source Reliable?

What Makes a Source Reliable?

Learn how to analyze information sources and determine whether or not they are reliable and accurate.

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Evaluating Information Through the Lens of Social Media

Evaluating Information Through the Lens of Social Media

Learn how to analyze information on social media to determine whether or not it's reliable and accurate.

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