Library Apps
Take the library with you anywhere you go
Get the Free CCPL Mobile App
Get our app to stream and download books, movies, TV shows, magazines, audiobooks and comic books. Take the library with you anywhere you go. CCPL Mobile is available for FREE download from the App Store and Google Play.
App Features
- Find books/eBooks, magazines, movies, music and more!
- Download or stream content from our Digital Library.
- Check out and Renew items anytime, anywhere!
- Use My Account to view your checkouts and holds.
- View your Library Card!
- Scan an ISBN see if it's available to borrow from our collection.
- Find and register for events, classes, and workshops.
- Check out the latest News from the Library.
- Follow us on social media.
Optimize your experience
For phone and tablet users, we recommend the following free apps for use with our premium subscription services.
Visit our Digital Library page for more information.
Access full digital copies of your favorite magazines on your computer, tablet or mobile device.
Available for Apple iOS and Android.
hooplaEnjoy thousands of digital music albums. Music is available for instant streaming or temporary download to your smartphone or tablet. Also streaming movies and TV shows. Available for Apple iOS, Android and Kindle HD/HDX.
Enjoy thousands of digital music albums. Music is available for instant streaming or temporary download to your smartphone or tablet. Also streaming movies and TV shows. Available for Apple iOS, Android and Kindle HD/HDX.
Stream award-winning documentary and educational videos and indie and foreign films. Available for
Apple iOS, Android and Roku.
LibbyBorrow and read eBooks and listen to eAudioBooks on your phone or tablet. Available for Apple iOS, Android, Chromebook, and Kindle Fire. Check out Libby Help for more info.
Borrow and read eBooks and listen to eAudioBooks on your phone or tablet. Available for Apple iOS, Android, Chromebook, and Kindle Fire. Check out Libby Help for more info.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning with Content: Available for Apple iOS and Android. To sign-in/up in the app using your Library Card, select Sign In > Sign in with your library card. If prompted for Library ID, enter oh0052. If prompted for a custom invitation link, enter Enter your Card Number and PIN to complete your sign-in.
Press Reader
Connecting you with the stories you love, from sources you trust. Available for Apple iOS and Android.